“Clearly Hidden” Now Available At Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble

cover art for the novel Clearly HiddenMy new mystery novel, Clearly Hidden, has just been released by Moonshine Cove Press and is available at Amazon.com as well as at Barnes and Noble.

Set on Cape Cod, it’s a mystery containing a romance, coming out story, unexpected twists and turns, and lots of human interest. It would make a great Christmas/holiday/birthday gift for any readers on your list.

I hope you will consider checking it out at the links below. (Prices may vary, so check both sites.) Hope you enjoy it!



Barnes & Noble:


“Clearly Hidden” Accepted by Moonshine Cove Publishing

Moonshine Cove Publishing has offered me a contract to publish my book Clearly Hidden.

“In Clearly Hidden: why is novelist Pen Elliot’s life being threatened repeatedly? There are a few suspects who might be responsible: her bitter ex-husband Peter and Joe, the abusive husband of a friend, who blames her for destroying his family. But what if the answer revolves around something more global and compelling–the drug trade? Set in the bucolic seaside town of Falmouth on Cape Cod, the novel involves a romance as well as a coming out story of a young teen. It also asks the question: what if doing the right thing involves doing a wrong thing. And, how far would you go to protect someone you love?”